Identity Verification In the Digital World | Blog | Vouched

Why Today's Tech is Ahead of Yesterday's Digital Verification Systems

Written by Asher Furnad | Oct 3, 2023 3:45:00 PM

Why AI is Leaps and Bounds Ahead of Yesterday's Digital Identity Verification

In a world constantly evolving with technology, AI has emerged as a transformative force, reshaping how we verify digital identities. It brings unparalleled efficiencies and capabilities, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and leaving behind the constraints of traditional systems. This article delves into the revolutionary role of AI in digital identity verification, exploring its impact, comparing it with human-based review, and envisioning its promising future.

Introduction: Revolutionizing Digital Identity Verification

Technology has made significant strides in the ways we verify our identities. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has significantly elevated the capabilities of digital identity verification, propelling us forward from the limitations of traditional systems and paving the way for a more secure and efficient future, with applications in customer service, combating fraud, and heralding the next frontier with Visual AI.

Transforming Customer Experience Through AI 

Incorporating AI into customer service has notably enhanced the user experience, enabling instantaneous responses, and personalized interactions. For instance, AI-enabled chatbots are now pivotal in handling a vast array of customer queries, providing fast, real-time responses, and alleviating the workload on human agents, thereby significantly improving efficiency and customer satisfaction. Similarly, in the realm of digital identity verification, AI contributes to a more streamlined and secure user journey.

The transition from manual verification processes to AI has revolutionized customer experience in digital identity verification. AI in digital identity verification enriches image capture, enhances data extraction capabilities with OCR, and streamlines the end-to-end journey, offering a seamless and efficient customer experience.
Telehealth is a rapidly expanding sector facing the inefficiencies of manual identity verifications. With the rise of virtual consultations, verifying a patient's identity has become paramount. As virtual consultations become more common, ensuring a patient's identity becomes paramount. Yet, just as with KYC procedures in the banking and automotive sectors, the manual checks can be cumbersome, leading to delays and potential inaccuracies. The increasing demand for instantaneous and accurate services has driven industries towards AI-driven identity verification (IDV) methods, which promise speed and enhanced accuracy. With AI, telehealth can achieve a more streamlined process, ensuring a reliable patient experience.
Speed and Efficiency 
Consider the healthcare sector, for instance. A report by HIMSS Market Insights highlighted that organizations spend over 109.6 hours weekly and more than $1 million annually resolving patient identity issues, pointing to the urgent need for more efficient solutions in the healthcare sector. By implementing AI, organizations can automate the identity verification process, significantly reducing the time spent on resolving patient identity issues. This not only alleviates the financial burden by cutting down the annual costs associated with manual verification but also enhances security and user experience through its ability to quickly adapt and respond to emerging threats and discrepancies. AI can process and verify information at an unparalleled speed compared to traditional manual document review, freeing up valuable time and resources. This speed is essential in today’s fast-paced digital world, where instant verification can enhance user experience and security.
Accuracy and Consistency 
AI provides more accurate and consistent results by learning and making predictions based on large amounts of data, thereby reducing the risk of human error. This consistency and accuracy are crucial in digital identity verification, where the slightest error can have significant repercussions.
Cost-Effectiveness and Scalability
AI-driven systems are not only more efficient but also more cost-effective than manual ones. They significantly reduce the number of hours and resources required, and their scalability allows for easy adaptation to the volume of verifications needed. This adaptability and cost-efficiency have been particularly beneficial in industries such as telehealth, automotive, and banking. Andrew Stone, SVP of Fraud Management at BHG Financial, notes "Vouched has transformed our customer onboarding, allowing us to enhance our user experience significantly. With Vouched, we’ve been able to accelerate growth, maintain top-level security, and protect our product universe from potential threats." By incorporating Vouched, BHG Financial experienced substantial savings, cutting costs by more than $2.4M annually, showcasing the tangible financial benefits of AI in this field.

Comparing AI and Human-Based Review

Learning and Adaptability 
Unlike static systems, such as traditional database lookup methods, and manual reviews, AI continually learns and adapts to new ID formats and types, staying ahead of evolving verification requirements. The adaptability and scalability of AI systems ensure effectiveness in the face of changing technologies and user needs.

Combating Fraud with AI  

Identifying Risk and Fraud 
AI's advanced pattern recognition surpasses the capabilities of manual workflows in detecting specific types of risk and fraud. It analyzes vast datasets to identify emerging fraud trends and bad actor attempts, thereby ensuring proactive protection against increasingly sophisticated digital fraud.
Additionally, AI plays a pivotal role in detecting and combating various sophisticated fraud tactics, such as synthetic identities, deepfakes, biometric spoofing, and social engineering scams. This advanced technology empowers banks and fintechs to identify and thwart fraud attempts continually evolving in complexity and sophistication, ensuring a more secure financial ecosystem. 
Adapting to New Threats 
The continuous evolution of AI algorithms enhances the resilience of verification systems against ever-changing attack vectors, swiftly adapting to new forms of threats and fraudulent activities, and reinforcing digital ID verification systems.

The Future of Digital Verification: Visual AI

Visual AI stands as the frontier of digital identity verification. By integrating visual elements and analytics with AI, a future where digital verification is more secure, adaptable, and user-friendly is envisaged. For instance, Visual AI can be employed in biometric identification systems like facial recognition, enhancing the accuracy and reliability of identity verification. It could also be instrumental in analyzing visual elements of official documents, detecting discrepancies, and thwarting attempts of forgery or manipulation. The additional layer of verification makes it even more challenging for fraudulent activities to succeed, thereby fortifying the overall security of digital identity verification systems.

Conclusion: A Leap Towards Secure Verification

Unprecedented Accuracy and Efficiency 
The integration of AI into digital identity verification systems offers unmatched accuracy and efficiency, setting a new standard in the industry. The advancement of AI signifies the widening gap between new-age verification systems and their predecessors.
Combating Fraud 
AI’s advanced capabilities in identifying and adapting to fraud trends significantly fortify the security of digital ID verification. Its power in detecting and preventing fraudulent activities marks a significant shift towards a more secure digital environment.
The Future is Visual AI. The Future is Vouched.
Visual AI is set to redefine the landscape of digital verification, marking a significant leap from traditional systems and promising a future where identity verification is more secure and streamlined. While the potential applications and advancements of Visual AI in digital identity verification seem limitless, it’s essential to acknowledge the challenges that lie ahead. The technology is still in its developmental stages. Key challenges include ensuring user privacy, overcoming data biases, and refining the accuracy of visual recognition in diverse conditions. These areas warrant further research and refinement. Nevertheless, as we step into this future, the possibilities are boundless, and the ongoing advancements hold promise for overcoming these hurdles.

At the core of Vouched’s revolutionary approach is Artificial Intelligence. Our cutting-edge technology leverages the power of AI to deliver an unrivaled identity verification experience, shaping a future that is not only secure but also highly efficient. Ready to explore the future of secure and efficient identity verification? Request a demo today to experience firsthand how Vouched is revolutionizing the industry.