Identity Verification In the Digital World | Blog | Vouched

The Hidden Costs of Manual Identity Verification

Written by Sharon Shi | Sep 26, 2023 6:33:37 PM

Unmasking the Inefficiencies of Manual KYC and Identity Verification

In an era of digital transformation, many businesses are still grappling with outdated identity verification methods. Explore the tangible and intangible costs of manual KYC and uncover the AI-driven revolution poised to transform the landscape.

The Digital Challenge of Manual KYC and Identity Verification Procedures

With the quest for operational efficiency intensifies, manual KYC procedures, particularly in crucial sectors like banking and automotive, are coming under scrutiny. The inherent drawbacks of these long-winded identity verification steps cast shadows over user experiences and result in significant costs.

Telehealth & The AI Revolution

Telehealth is a rapidly expanding sector facing the inefficiencies of manual identity verifications. With the rise of virtual consultations, verifying a patient's identity has become paramount. As virtual consultations become more common, ensuring a patient's identity becomes paramount. Yet, just as with KYC procedures in banking and automotive sectors, the manual checks can be cumbersome, leading to delays and potential inaccuracies. The increasing demand for instantaneous and accurate services have driven industries towards AI-driven identity verification (IDV) methods, which promise speed and enhanced accuracy. With AI, telehealth can achieve a more streamlined process, ensuring a reliable patient experience.

Delving into the Costs and Risks of KYC Manual Procedures

The True Costs of Identity Verification Manual Processes
Manual KYC and manual identification verifications, deeply embedded in sectors like banking, automotive, and healthcare, come with an array of hidden costs. These include:
  • Operational Inefficiencies and Resource Allocation: The considerable time and effort manual KYC procedures demand from senior resources and specialized teams lead to operational inefficiencies and increased labor-related expenses. The diversion of high-level professionals from more strategic tasks can negatively impact various sectors like healthcare, banking, and automotive.
  • Financial Implications: Hidden costs associated with upkeeping technology infrastructure, along with potential revenue losses stemming from customer dissatisfaction and service delays, significantly impact an organization's profitability. Complications arising from manual checks necessitate further verification procedures, introducing additional expenses and possible friction in customer interactions. A notable healthcare provider reported that 7% of its total customer base undergoes reverification, underscoring the added financial burden and potential disruption in customer experience.
  • Compliance and Legal Risks: Inadequacies in manual KYC processes can result in non-compliance with industry regulations, leading to substantial fines and legal penalties. This not only affects the financial health of an organization but also its standing in the market.
  • Trust and Reputation: Trust erosion following events such as data breaches and poor customer experience can severely damage a company’s reputation. This loss of trust affects customer loyalty and retention and can have long-term implications on a company’s brand image.
  • Training and Adaptability: The continuous need for training to understand the evolving verification process and adapt to changing regulations represents an ongoing investment in time and resources, affecting the overall efficacy and cost-effectiveness of manual procedures. his may initially sound like a tall order, however, the rewards are more than worth the effort. To achieve this, we need to challenge the conventional wisdom that friction is inherently a bad thing in the customer journey. We need to redefine the very concept of friction in the context of identity verification. 
KYC Manual: More Time, More Errors
The manual KYC process inherently carries the risk of human errors. In the banking sector, it’s alarming that 20% of KYC onboarding processes drag on for over 24 hours. Similarly, car buyers find themselves ensnared in prolonged waits, sometimes stretching vehicle acquisition procedures into days. It’s not just about time; the longer these procedures take, the greater the vulnerability to security breaches. Extended periods of verification create ample opportunities for malicious entities to exploit any loopholes or discrepancies in the information being processed. Each additional moment spent on verification increases the window of opportunity for unauthorized access or fraudulent activities, thereby escalating the potential risks and ramifications. This not only augments overhead costs but also paves the way for potential fraud, amplifying the associated risks substantially.
Indirect Impacts of Manual Identity Verification
Manual KYC not only impacts direct operational costs but also affects customer trust and loyalty. When customers face lengthy identity verification processes or are victims of security breaches due to manual errors, they're more likely to shift their loyalty and may seek faster, more efficient alternatives. This search for alternatives arises from the burgeoning consumer demand for swift, seamless services. In today’s digital age, customers are accustomed to instant gratification and streamlined experiences. When faced with delays or inefficiencies, they are quick to explore other options available in the competitive market, potentially leading them to competitors who offer more agile and user-friendly verification processes. This shift not only results in immediate loss of business but can also tarnish the company’s reputation, thereby causing businesses to incur long-term indirect costs such as diminished market share and reduced brand value.

AI: The Antidote to Manual KYC and Identity Verification Flaws

Transitioning from KYC Manual to AI
The shift from manual KYC to AI-driven methods signals a transformative phase in the industry.  Platforms like Vouched are pioneering this evolution. For major banks and financial institutions, embracing AI-driven identity verification doesn’t just offer speed — it provides significant cost efficiencies and a more streamlined approach to KYC processes.
The Global Relevance of AI in Tackling KYC Manual Challenges
With global markets becoming more integrated, the role of AI in KYC isn't just a trend — it's a necessity. International transactions require stringent, swift, and accurate identity verifications processes. AI systems, with their ability to learn and adapt, are uniquely suited to address the challenges posed by global trade and finance.

Concluding the Era of Manual Procedures in Identity Verification 

The writing's on the wall: the imperative to shift away from time-consuming manual reviews is here. AI, with its precision and speed, is the torchbearer leading industries towards a new dawn — one where bank transactions, car acquisitions, and telehealth consultations occur seamlessly.

Introducing Vouched: The AI-Powered Alternative to Manual Processes

No longer do companies have to endure the pitfalls of manual KYC or identity verification processes. Vouched presents the future — a suite of tailored AI-driven identity verification solutions created for specific industries.
VouchedAuto for Automotive
The automotive industry faces its own set of identity verification challenges. VouchedAuto streamlines the onboarding process, ensuring rapid and accurate identity checks. These are crucial when facilitating major transactions like vehicle purchases.
VouchedRx for Telehealth
As the healthcare sector continues to embrace telemedicine, the need for fast and accurate patient verifications becomes vital. VouchedRx offers an innovative solution that addresses the pain points in telehealth identity verifications, ensuring a smooth and secure patient experience.
VouchedFi for Banking
VouchedFi is specifically designed to tackle the unique challenges of KYC in the banking sector. It drastically reduces the time spent on manual KYC procedures manual, making the process efficient and more reliable.

Rethinking Identity Verification

Vouched is not just changing the identity verification game; it's revolutionizing it. With tailor-made solutions for diverse sectors, it’s evident that a swifter, more efficient future is not only possible but imminent. Equip your business with the right tools and soar above outdated processes. Discover how Vouched can be your game-changer; schedule a demo with us today.